Our Work

We aim to provide LWSD students what they need to thrive, both now and in the future.

Battle of the Books

A district-wide reading competition that promotes reading comprehension, academic excellence, and cooperative learning and teamwork among students.

Noticias de BSD y LWSD

Noticias semanales en español de los distritos escolares de Bellevue y Lake Washington.

Film Screenings

Film screenings for documentaries that focus on topics such as anxiety, social media, and bullying help raise awareness of the prevalence of the issues facing our teens and children today.

Youth Mental Health Training

LWSF partners with LWSD to offers vital youth mental health training to teachers, staff, and the teens themselves. .  

Kids Coming Together

A program that helps students grades 3-8 form lasting connections with peers through social and community service events.

Pantry Packs

​Pantry Packs

A program that provides weekend meals for students experiencing food-insecurity.

Overlake Medical Center & Clinics