Parenting Workshops

The Parenting for Emotional Wellbeing workshops are interactive training opportunities for parents to cultivate advanced social and emotional awareness and skills that can help you clarify your parenting identity, improve relationships in your family and help you raise resilient kids.

Each workshop covers three topics and are facilitated by a Bonnie McDaniel. With a Ph.D in Education from University of Washington, and Parent Coach Certification from Parent Coaching Institute, Bonnie is passionate about leading Youth Mental Health First Aid, Restorative Justice Practices, Social and Emotional Learning workshops for parents and educators.


Prerequisite: None.

  1. Compassionate Self-Awareness: Participants learn how to cultivates aspects of compassionate self-awareness and engage in mindfulness exercise to practice this skill. They will deepen their understanding of their parenting identity and explore their core values as a parent.
  2. Emotional Regulation: Participants learn how to grow self-management skills: both to respond wisely to challenging emotions and to fully experience positive emotions.
  3. Growing Empathy: Participants learn how to strengthen their own capacity to empathize with family members. They will practice advanced empathetic listening skills with each other and explore ways to help their kids cultivate this skill.

Prerequisite: Completion of Workshop 1 is recommended, but not mandatory.

  1. Renewing Purpose: Refreshing your own sense of meaning and purpose as a parent can enhance your enjoyment of parenting, give you a sense of direction in uncertain circumstances, and motivate you to do hard things.   In this class you’ll have an opportunity to reconnect with your driving purpose and explore how it can serve as a resource for you in challenging moments. 
  2. Conflict Management: Managing conflicts can be a particularly difficult aspect of parenting.  Conflict situations also give us opportunities to practice our own SEL skills and help our kids become more  resilient. We’ll look at typical situations that cause conflict, and look at strategies that you can use to respond in ways that align with your values and prioritize your relationship with your child.  
  3. Strengthening Self-Efficacy: It’s common for parents to experience a diminishing sense of self-efficacy as our kids get older.   We’ll learn about mindsets that support your sense of agency as a parent even as your children differentiate themselves from you, and look at practical ways to maximize your constructive influence and make peace with the things you can’t control.  

Register for Upcoming Workshops

Check back soon for details on our fall workshops!

Overlake Medical Center & Clinics